About: melissa lowe

Recent Posts by melissa lowe

Sitting With Fear and Vulnerability: A Way to Change

Many of my clients and students have asked, “Why do I have to be present in meditation with my fear? Doesn’t sitting with that fear manifest the very thing I am not wanting in my life?”   It can be confusing with the popular sentiment of positive thinking and manifesting what our ego desires by thinking and being what we desire. For example, many of these teachings...

Multiple Aspects of Self

The Multiple Aspects of self This month’s blog is a companion to the February Monthly Video located on the Home Page. The video is a 7-minute interview with my late teacher, Dr. Brugh Joy, who in my opinion was a brilliant teacher of consciousness. The human mind has multiple aspects of self and these aspects are not integrated into a singular personality, as we may believe we...

Children and ADHD: What We Can Learn From the Fren

In an article for Psychology Today by Marilyn Wedge, Ph.D., March 8, 2012, she reported that in the United States 9% of school-aged children have a diagnosis of ADHD and are taking pharmaceutical medications compared to 0.5% of French children. This study raises questions as to why a disease such as ADHD is so prevalent in the United States and has not affected children in...

Scientific Research Supports Meditative Practice

Lately, there is a great amount of good research supporting the practice of daily meditation. Studies indicate that meditation increases the brains ability to process new experiences and to use parts of the brain, the frontal lobes, to assess greater resources to deal with situations of today’s life styles. The following research indicated that people who meditated were able to change the brains processing abilities...

Pause. Center. And Shift. Changing Reality

Pause. Center. Shift. These steps are important in bringing in resource to whatever you want to do, be it creative writing or painting, relationship work,  depth awareness or as you go about your day in a mindful state. The Heart Center is a key component of changing states of consciousness. This center from all chakra systems is the one that brings a person into a...

The Five Reasons to Meditate

Meditation is the new work-out...for the brain. Daily mediations can reap many benefits. Here are five important changes a meditative practice can bring. To listen to a meditation and start your practice:  www.Melissalowe.com and select tab for meditation. 1. Life becomes serene and calm.  Meditation is the most effective way to work with emotions and to find a still and stable part within that isn't affected...

Conscious Practice- Embracing Darkness

Enlightenment is not a matter of imagining figures of light, but of making the darkness conscious. – C. G. Jung   How do we know when we have fallen asleep and forgotten the most important aspect of becoming more present? It is when we are not attending to how we are reacting to the world around us. When we are caught unawares with reactivity then, the darkness that...

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